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Artist Statement

My initial interest in ceramics has stemmed from my three year university course in Decorative Arts at Nottingham Trent University. Pushing myself with ideas to express the relationship between humans and animals, in my final year I focused on finding inspirations from some parts of animals lives that most people have not noticed or have been indifferent to.

I currently developed my ceramic sculptures based on an interest for abandoned animals. With particular interests in vulnerable animals, my focus is in depicting abandoned animals and their painful feelings of rejection by people. My works are likened to ‘old and broken toys’, and plants, ‘Cordyceps militaris’ where grow on dead insects to express their wounded heart and bodies. References to broken toys, vegetation and insects further express aspects of decay, sadness and frozen moments in time. My works express the uncomfortable, painful relationship and conflict between animals and humans and my dissatisfaction at the human cruelty towards them.

Through the delicacy of ceramics, I tried to capture the environmental situations of today, and the physical and emotional weight they contain. Furthermore, my project is aimed at not just focusing on human-animal relationships through abandoned animals, but also all living creatures live connected lives through a fragile world and thus convey my message to remind them of the importance of nature. 

For humans, language is a way of communication to bring one's feelings and expressions directly by speaking or writing. However, for animals, language is to convey what they want to share, feel and communicate each other through their actions, gestures and sounds.

I believe if artists have something in common with animals, I would like to say that their works can be their language to convey their emotions, feelings, thinking and values.

My works in this project will be a portrayal of my own language to send my messages.



June 26 - 29 2019


June 1 - 9 2019


March 21 - 27 2019



February 21 2019

February 1 2019


July - October 2017

□ New Designers 

- Group Exhibition

-Ceramic animal sculptures


□ NTU Degree show


□ Decorativeb Arts exhibition in Bonington Atrium, Pre-Degree Show

- Ceramic animal sculptures


□ Decorative exhibition in Bonington Atrium

- Ceramic works from second year


□ Decorative exhibition in Bonington Atrium

- Ceramic animal sculptrures


□ Participated in constructioin of new train stations for the Winter Olympics in South Korea 2018

- Six train stations: Manjong, Hoengseong, Dunnea, Gangneung, Jinbu (Odaesan) and Pyeongchang station                               in South Korea

- Casting works: Animals heads sculptures that symboliz each city

                          : Animals umbrella holders for toilet in each stations

                          : Animals heads  cast in bronze

                          :  Ceramic and wax carving modelling

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